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Good evening. Welcome. (gud ivnin. uelcom)
Buenas tardes. Bienvenidos. (boo-eh-nahs tahr-dehs. bee-ehn-veh-nee-dohs)
Hello, we have a reservation for two people. (jelou, ui jav a reserveishon for tu pipol)
Hola, tenemos una reserva para dos personas. (oh-lah, teh-neh-mohs oo-nah reh-sehr-vah pah-rah dohs pehr-soh-nahs)
Your name, please? (yor neim, plis)
Su nombre, ¿por favor? (soo nohm-breh, pohr fah-vohr)
What would you like to drink? (uot wud yu laik tu drink)
¿Qué les gustaría beber? (keh lehs goos-tah-ree-ah beh-behr)
Two glasses of red wine and a bottle of water. (tu glases of red uain and a botul of uotar)
Dos copas de vino tinto y una botella de agua. (dohs coh-pahs deh vee-noh teen-toh ee oo-nah boh-teh-yah deh ah-goo-ah)
And to eat? (and tu it)
Y ¿para comer? (eeh pah-rah coh-mehr)
For starters, soup. (for starters, soop)
De primero, sopa. (deh pree-meh-roh, soh-pah)
And for your main course? (and for mein curs)
¿Y como segundo plato? (ee koh-moh seh-goon-doh plah-toh)
Roast chicken with chips. (roust chiken uiz chips)
Pollo asado con patatas fritas. (poh-yoh ah-sah-doh cohn pah-tah-tahs)
Would you like dessert or a coffee? (wud yu laik a disert or a cofi)
¿Les gustaría postre o un café? (lehs goos-tah-ree-ah pohs-treh oh cah-feh)
Two coffees, please (tu cofis, plis)
Dos cafés, por favor (dohs cah-fehs, pohr fah-vohr)
Could you bring us the bill, please? (cud yu bring as de bil, plis)
Nos trae la cuenta, ¿por favor? (nohs trah-eh lah koo-ehn-tah, pohr fah-vohr)
Cash or card? (cash or card)
Con tarjeta o en efectivo? (kohn tahr-heh-tah oh ehn eh-fehc-tee-voh)